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Carol Wood

I am deeply infatuated with a pair of beaded sandals,
Which are currently on the shelf.
I know of their existence, but we have not yet been acquainted.
Sooner or later, I will take them home
And love them tenderly, with passion.
However, I know that before long,
They will hurt me, and make me cry.
I will start to treat them badly,
And ignore their presence first thing in the morning.
My attention will wander as I go about my day.
My eyes will rest upon some sexy snake skin mules
Or pony skin wedges,
Until finally, lust gets the better of me
And I commit adultery.
I will probably have an illicit affair with some leather moccasins.
The beaded sandals and I will part company.
I will weep about the cost of true love.
The sandals will be cast upon the shelf again
Until someone sees them advertised in the Lonely Shoes column.
They will heel eventually,
But I, alas, am a serial shoe philanderer,
Who will always end up a lonely sole.

Once More unto the Pub Dear Friends (MP3)

alex iamb


Fool's Mate (MP3)

alex iamb

Please see alex iamb’s myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/alexiambic


website maintained by michelle bernard - contact michelle.bernard@anglia.ac.uk - last updated January 6, 2010